Mon 30 October – **Time Bandits at 6:15 @BFI Southbank (NFT3) – Only £3.00!**

Fast approaching on the last Monday in October for your viewing delight is the first in a pairing of Relaxed screenings as part of the Destination Time Travel season (the other RUN LOLA RUN on 27 November) at the BFI Southbank (NFT3), a screening of the rip-roaring, Pythonesque romp through history TIME BANDITS (1981) at 18:15 on Monday, 30 October!

Both Relaxed screenings in this series are hosted by the filmmaker Georgia Kumari Bradburn of the Neurocultures Collective project and the Autism Through Cinema Podcast, both of which are projects under the umbrella initiative of Autism Through Cinema. For those interested in finding out more, follow this link:

The entry fee is £3,00 payable in advance online, by phone (020 7928 3232), or by emailing the Box Office: (Is general admission on a first come first served basis)

Synopsis: From the boundlessly creative mind of former Python member turned maestro director Terry Gilliam, the first in his self described ‘Trilogy of Imagination’, Time Bandits is a family-friendly adventure taking us into the world of Kevin, a young boy whose disillusionment with modern life creates a fascination with knights, kings and mythology. In a similar vein to other such lavish 80s outré offerings as Labyrinth, there are visual delights aplenty along with a generous dollop of hilarious, endlessly quotable one-liners… ‘How long have you been a robber?’ ‘4ft, 1’…

Teaser Clip:

PRE FILM MEET – 5 – 6pm: For those that would like to also meet up before the film for a tea/coffee or bite to eat, I propose we all meet at the BFI Café, which is located adjacent to the main side entrance to the BFI building, and is often quieter than the BFI Riverfront area:

POST FILM INFORMAL CHAT – 8:15 – 9:15 TBC: An informal and inclusive facilitated discussion led by filmmaker Georgia Kumari Bradburn.
Location: The Blue Room – (First Floor):

As always, please do feel free to bring along friends/facilitators and do remember to book in advance to avoid disappointment. Also, do RSVP to this main event page pretty please if you intend to come on down!

Live long and prosper,
Benjamin, London Autism Film Club Founder


  • Date : October 30, 2023
  • Time : 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm (UTC+0)
  • Venue : BFI Southbank