Announcing its triumphant return on Saturday 2 May after ‘Spring Break’, the next edition of the film club will exist in cyberspace with a 40-minute Zoom discussion of the classic film THE MIRACLE WORKER (1962) at
6 pm on Saturday 2 May! 🎥🤩
Based on the remarkable real-life story of Annie Sullivan’s (ANNE BANCROFT) struggles to teach the blind, death and mute Helen Keller how to communicate, THE MIRACLE WORKER reveals how with patience, persistence, and stubbornness even the most insurmountable odds can be overcome.
Check out THE MIRACLE WORKER (1962) online here before jumping on board: 😎
Autism spectrum comparisons: The main reason for selecting the film is for its plausible connection to struggles some on the spectrum experience with communicating (especially perhaps non-verbal autistic children and adults), and I’d be so interested to hear people’s opinions.
Instructions on how to join Zoom & assurances
This Zoom meeting will require a password, which is: HELENK62. Please do not share this password with anyone not intending to join the discussion. All attendees will be screened before joining in a virtual ‘waiting room’, and I am limiting numbers to 8 maximum.
Link to join the Zoom chat:
So, why not plug yourself into The Matrix and have a casual chat about the film and wider topics relating to autism. Please don’t feel the need to enter audio, there is a chat function if you would rather just use this 😊
Thanks again, and I hope to ‘hear’ from you in May!