WIZARD MODE (2016) Online Watch Along + Bonus Short Videos

Autism and the Arcade: Gaming & Virtual Worlds

After November’s foray into horror with the hugely influential classic monster movie FRANKENSTEIN, December’s festive stocking filler is of an altogether different flavour…

Why not join me in the virtual realm for a watch along of the mesmerising documentary WIZARD MODE (2016) on Thurs, 15 December at 8-10pm!

Run time: Clocks in at 1 hr,42 mins for feature doc and video clips.
We will be using the Watch2Gether platform, and the feature and short films will start at 20:00 finishing by 21:30. Please feel free to join at any time, though the films will be played promptly.

Link: The link will be updated on the main event page (to the right of the main description) and emailed out to all Members who RSVPD 24 hours before the start date, so keep a beady eye on Meetup/your inbox!
Teaser Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYYN2I_-iY4

WIZARD MODE Synopsis: Follows the story of young, twenty-something pinball maestro Robert Emilio Gagno as he looks to gain independence and overcome the competition along with his own personal demons to become recognised as one of the world’s top players. A sensitive portrait of a young man facing his challenges head on and a refreshingly positive take on what it is like living with autism in adulthood.

Theme – Autism & The Arcade: Gaming & Virtual Worlds: This month’s online watch along is focussed around the potential benefits, or at least the draw, that gaming and an immersion in virtual environments has for those on the autism spectrum.

One To Watch – Further Viewing: CANNON ARM AND THE ARCADE QUEST (2021) – Distinctly autistic vibes with this recent documentary which had a strong festival run and shown at the London Film Festival in 2021: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11726068/

Once again, as always I very much look forward to seeing your virtual selves on Thurs, 15, just do remember to RSVP pretty please.

  • Date : December 15, 2022
  • Time : 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm (UTC+0)
  • Venue : Online